Online Course

Childbirth Physiology
Go beyond the textbooks. Learn what really happens during labour and birth.
This course is for you if you attend births, teach about birth or are planning to birth.
What to expect
This course offers essential evidence-based information about how physiological birth works. Completion of the course materials will take you approximately 5 hours. The course is taught by Dr Rachel Reed (former midwife, author, researcher and educator).





Completion Certificate
Julie Masson-Maclean (Mother)
This course is a gem. Very informative, and easy to understand. But the way it flows, and the choice of wording makes it even more special – it goes direct to the heart, and as a mother so clearly to my body too. Thank you Rachel for the tactfulness, this course is about much more than 'just' physiology.
Tanayha (Midwife)
I just completed your childbirth physiology course online and it was every bit amazing as I remember your teachings to be at university. I will recommend it to any student midwives I work with and encourage them to complete it.
Ceri Elms (Childbirth Educator)
I loved the course and feel so inspired and bursting forth with new information. I can't wait to share what I've learnt with other mums and birth partners. The explanations are so clearly thought out and I have picked up some simple yet really effective ways of communicating how the body and mind work together to prepare for and in the process of labour and birth. Thanks for such a thoughtful and thought provoking course, beautifully put together, comprehensive yet also concise in its approach. I feel much more confident in my knowledge of the physiology of birth now.
Sarah Merfield (Doula)
I have just completed Rachel’s online Childbirth Physiology course. I enjoyed the content and how it was delivered. Anything by Rachel Reed is bloody good, let’s face it. This is such a goodie, and I would totally recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about physiological birth as a birth worker or when considering a physiological birth for yourself. It works very nicely with Rachel’s book, Reclaiming Childbirth As A Rite Of Passage. If you know Rachel from The Midwives’ Cauldron podcast, you will know that she has lots of little “Golden Nuggets” to share! Don't miss this one!
Erika Pernoud (Student Midwife)
Thank you so much Rachel for this course. I have just finished going through it a second time and I feel so encouraged in my journey to becoming a midwife. It's also made me feel so proud at what my body achieved in the birth of my son and i cannot wait to have another baby so i can use the information I've learnt to fully trust my body knowing it is doing everything it knows how to. I am truly feeling empowered. Your course has been incredible and i thank you again. I will be letting my student midwife friends know of this course, its just so invaluable.
Lauren Abbott (Doula / Childbirth Educator)
I loved this course for so many reasons! I am about to head over to a childbirth class I'm facilitating at our local hospital... This course has inspired me so much! I've been a doula and educator for twenty years and the way birth has been medicalised always hurts my heart. Things are changing ever so slowly... but courses like this help to transform the way we view birth. Its a beautiful natural process! I will highly recommend this training to everyone. I especially liked the way it is presented using story telling, visual presentation, and printable graphics. Thank you!

60 Day Access
$179 AUD
With this option you have access to the course for 60 days from the purchase date.

Lifetime Access
$349 AUD
With this option you get unlimited access to the course for the lifetime of the course (years).
Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the FAQs below. If you don't find what you are looking for contact me.